Explore the intriguing world of Riddle, a 2013 action and adventure movie that keeps you hooked till the end. Starring Elisabeth Harnois, William Sadler, Diora Baird, and Val Kilmer, this movie takes you on a mysterious journey that will leave you spellbound. The director duo of Nicholas Mross and John O. Hartman has done an excellent job of keeping the audience on the edge of their seats throughout the movie. This DVD of Riddle comes in English language with a rating of NR. It falls under the categories of Movies & TV and DVDs & Blu-ray Discs. The sub-genre of this movie is Mystery, and the release year is 2013. So, get ready to embark on an adventure with the characters of Riddle, where every scene builds up the suspense, and every twist in the plot keeps you guessing.